Nemokamas pristatymas nuo 35€
This linen and towel snob (addict?) has just ordered two more pairs
Love these towels. I’m a linen and towel snob, thick cotton terry dish towels leave linty residue, and take forever to dry so can get mildew-smelly. Thin cotton towels like flour sack also leave linty residue and, if they have a print, can often be stiff and somewhat un-absorbent for a while.
Also, for me, those just don’t offer any tactile pleasure. This may seem like a silly preference in a kitchen towel but I’m sure there are other people who feel similarly.
The 100% linen fabric, good thickness (not very), and nice little black-and-white pattern make them more than a step above your run-of-the-mill kitchen towels, nice enough to be a tea towel of a rustic, casual sort, if you don’t want too-precious. They’re on the smallish side, so be aware of that.
Oh yes, I’ve become dependent on hanging loops and never want to buy towels again that don’t have them! I’ve just ordered two more pairs.
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